Registration and fee

Registration will open on 1 December 2018 and will continue through 1 June 2019: it will be handled by the CERN Indico system. If you don’t have a valid CERN account, you can create a lightweight here.

The conference fee is 390 € for early registration (for participants who register and pay within 1 April 2019)  and 450 € for late registration (after 1 April 2019). The fee includes all the coffee breaks and lunches, the welcome and poster session receptions, the excursion, the conference banquet and, if available, a printed copy of the Conference Proceedings. The full fee for accompanying persons is 150 € and includes coffee breaks, lunches and social events. Reduced fee options for accompanying persons joining excursion and/or social dinner only are also available. Note that the early fee can be applied only if the payment is received by 1 April 2019. After this date, the full fee applies, also for registrations made before 1 April. For the participants whose institution requires an invoice before making the payment, the early fee will be kept also after 1 April, if the invoice is requested before 1 April.

Payment will be possible starting from 1 February 2019. Registration will be considered completed in the Indico list of registrants only after the payment has been made. Once you have registered, your registration will appear in Indico as “awaiting payment”. Payments can be made by bank transfer as detailed below. An alternative option for payment via credit card is currently being set up. The status of the registration in INDICO will be changed to “complete” by our administrative staff after your payment is received. Note that it may take about one week for the update of the status. Regular receipt of payment will be distributed at the registration desk upon arrival in Bari.

The registration closes on 1 June 2019. On-site registration and payment will not be possible.


Payment information

The fee must be paid in Euro (€) to “Comitato PHYS 2019” by bank transfer or credit card according to the following procedures:


Beneficiary: Comitato PHYS 2019, via Amendola 173 – 70126 Bari (Italy), Fiscal code/VAT number: 93497230727

Bank name: Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Castellana Grotte – Credito Cooperativo, Filiale di Bari, via Piccinni 170

Account number: 010/101638

IBAN: IT47B0846904000000000101638


Payment description: “SQM2019 – Fee for (family name and first name of the participant)”.

Please specify title of the Conference (SQM2019), your family name and first name, as a description of the payment. Please note that all bank charges must be covered by the remitter. In case of a transfer for several fees, it is mandatory to indicate all participant names in the description.


The payment via credit card (available for Visa, Mastercard or Maestro only) can be done here.


Fiscal Receipts

Please be informed that a regular fiscal receipt of payment will be issued. It can be addressed to the participant or to the Institution (Type 1 or 2, depending on your input on the Registration Form). Type 3 receipts (STORNO INFN) are for INFN Participants only.

Please ask your Institute administration which one you need for the reimbursement. All fiscal receipts will be issued after the payment is received and they will be distributed to participants upon arrival in Bari. If your Institution, in order to make the payment, needs the receipt in advance, kindly send us your request by e-mail to the Conference Secretariat ( as soon as possible.


INFN Participants only/ Partecipanti INFN

I partecipanti in missione a carico INFN dovranno effettuare il pagamento della fee tramite storno dalla propria struttura di appartenenza alla Sezione INFN di Bari. Al momento della richiesta di missione all’amministrazione di appartenenza, dovranno specificare nelle note che “la fee di € … sarà corrisposta mediante il sistema degli storni tra strutture”, indicando il capitolo dal quale effettuare lo storno. Per usufruire della “Early fee” è necessario registrarsi alla conferenza entro il 1 Aprile 2019. Per i partecipanti a carico INFN la registrazione su INDICO rimane “awaiting payment” fino a dopo la conferenza, quando verranno richiesti gli storni. L’eventuale quota per l’accompagnatore deve essere pagata con bonifico bancario o carta di credito (vedere le istruzioni sopra indicate), indicando nella causale: “SQM2019 – Fee for (family name and first name of the participant) accompanying person”. I membri della Società Italiana di Fisica hanno il diritto a uno sconto di 20 € sul fee. Per ottenere lo sconto il pagamento deve essere effettuato tramite storno INFN e lo sconto verrà applicato al momento dello storno.


Cancellation and fee refund policy

All refund requests must be addressed by e-mail to the SQM2019 Conference Secretariat ( as soon as possible. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation (after 10 May 2019). However, each case of cancellation will be considered individually.