Bari, 25 May 2019
SQM 2019 – Third Bulletin
Dear Colleagues,
This is the third and final bulletin for the upcoming 18th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2019) that will be held in Bari, Italy from 10 to 15 June 2019. In the following you can find updated information on the conference, its scientific and social programmes, with the aim to help participants organise their visit to Bari.
More details are available on the conference website at https://sqm2019.cloud.ba.infn.it/
Travel and Venue
Travel information can be found at:
The Bari-Palese International Airport (BRI) is connected to the city centre by public transportation (taxi, railway and shuttle bus) with a travel time of about 30 minutes. The conference Venue is Villa Romanazzi Carducci (https://sqm2019.cloud.ba.infn.it/index.php/conference-venue/), located next to the city centre and with a comfortable hotel inside the same area.
Registration and Check-in
Registration is still open and will continue until 1 June 2019. The conference fee is 450 €. The full fee for accompanying persons is 150 € and includes coffee breaks, lunches and social events. Reduced fee options for accompanying persons joining excursion and/or social dinner only are also available. On-site registration will not be possible.
Conference check-in will open on Sunday 9 June 16:00 – 18:00 and on Monday 10 June 8:00 – 9:00 in the foyer of the Giulia Conference Center area at Villa Romanazzi. Participants are invited to collect their delegate pack and name badge during this period if possible. For late arrivals, check-in will still be possible at the secretariat desk during coffee and lunch breaks.
Name badge also acts as lunch ticket and admittance to social events eventually signed up for (participant and his/her accompanying persons): participants are kindly invited to wear it (or at least keep it with them) all week.
Scientific programme
An overview of the conference schedule can be found at:
The final programme is available on Indico (https://indico.cern.ch/event/755366/timetable/).
The plenary sessions will consist of experimental highlights as well as invited talks on experimental and theory topics, for a total of 50 presentations. The parallel programme will take place in the afternoons of Tuesday 11 June and Thursday 13 June: it will consist of 76 talks, with 4 simultaneous sessions. In addition, about 70 poster contributions will be shown in a dedicated session scheduled on the evening of Tuesday 11 June.
Special talks dedicated to topics of general scientific and social interest are foreseen, namely:
- “The first image of a black hole” by Luciano Rezzolla, on Monday 10 June 18:00;
- “Diversity and Inclusion in Physics” by Meytal Eran Jona, on Tuesday 11 June 18:00.
The conference programme will be soon available for mobile devices via the Conference4me app.
Detailed instructions for talk and poster presenters can be found at:
In particular, we kindly ask them to keep in mind that:
- presentation files, possibly in PDF format, must be uploaded to the Indico site by 16:00 the day before the talk;
- posters, printed out in A0 vertical format, can be displayed in a dedicated area at the Giulia Conference Center from Monday 10 June at 14:00 to Tuesday 11 June at the end of the poster session (around 21:00);
- poster files should also be uploaded to the Indico site;
- speakers and poster presenters should check well in advance that they have the permission to upload the files.
An award session will take place in the afternoon of Friday 14 June. A special award dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Andre Mischke has been established for the SQM conference series. Starting from SQM 2019, the “Andre Mischke Award” will be given to the young scientist with the best experimental talk presented in the parallel session programme of the conference. Two Poster Awards are foreseen, for the experimental and the theoretical best poster respectively. The poster awards at SQM 2019 are sponsored by NuPECC.
Social Programme
Details on the social programme of the conference are available at:
The welcome reception will take place on Monday 10 June starting from 18:45 in the “Torretta” area of the Villa Romanazzi gardens.
The poster session “aperitivo” will be served in the same place on Tuesday 11 starting from 19:00.
A half-day excursion is scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 12 from 14:30. Participants are required to choose between two options for the excursion while filling the registration form: 1) a visit to Matera, the European Capital of Culture in 2019 and 2) a visit to the seaside city of Trani with its Romanic Cathedral followed by a visit to the medieval castle “Castel del Monte”.
The social dinner will take place on the evening of Thursday 13 June, in the Villa Maria restaurant (Castellana Grotte), a magnificent villa dated back to the beginning of the last century. Villa Maria is 15 minutes far by car from the small town of Alberobello, UNESCO World Heritage site since 1996, where some participants may want to have a short visit before the social dinner. Participants with special dietary requirements are kindly asked to indicate them in their registration form.
The conference has benefited substantially from generous sponsorships of Italian and international Institutions and Laboratories (https://sqm2019.cloud.ba.infn.it/index.php/supporting-institutions/). This has allowed us to offer student support to more than 50 PhD students and young postdocs.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at sqm2019@ba.infn.it for any additional information and support you may need to prepare your attendance to SQM 2019.
Have a safe travel and see you soon in Bari.
With best regards,
The SQM 2019 Organizing Committee